The Weekly Challenge 225 (Prolog Solutions)
The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.
Part 1
You are given a list of sentences. Write a script to find out the maximum number of words that appear in a single sentence.
check_and_read(32, [], _):-
check_and_read(46, [], _):-
check_and_read(-1, [], _):-
check_and_read(Char, [Char|Chars], Stream):-
get_code(Stream, NextChar),
check_and_read(NextChar, Chars, Stream).
read_data(Stream, []):-
read_data(Stream, [X|L]):-
\+ at_end_of_stream(Stream),
get_code(Stream, Char),
check_and_read(Char, Chars, Stream),
atom_codes(X, Chars),
read_data(Stream, L).
sentence_atoms(Sentence, Atoms):-
open_input_codes_stream(Sentence, Stream),
read_data(Stream, Atoms).
max_sentence_length(Sentences, MaxLength):-
maplist(sentence_atoms, Sentences, SentenceAtoms),
maplist(length, SentenceAtoms, Lengths),
max_list(Lengths, MaxLength).
Sample Run
$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-1.p
| ?- max_sentence_length(["Perl and Raku belong to the same family.", "I love Perl.", "The Perl and Raku Conference."], MaxLength).
MaxLength = 8 ?
| ?- max_sentence_length(["The Weekly Challenge.", "Python is the most popular guest language.", "Team PWC has over 300 members."], MaxLength).
MaxLength = 7 ?
| ?-
Since these are programming challenges which are designed with Perl in mind the inputs sometimes require a little manipulation to make them more Prolog friendly. In this case the sentence strings need to be turned into lists of atoms. This is done here by use of Stream processing!
I don't think I've had much occasion to use open_input_codes_stream/2
before. What this
does is take the double quoted string, which is seen by Prolog as a list of character
codes, and open this as a Stream. We can then process this in the same way as we'd process
any other input stream, more typically a file. In fact, much of the code for processing
this Stream is re-used from other such code.
The solution, then, is that max_sentence_length/2
will take a list of sentences, call
via a maplist/3
to get a list of list of atoms, then again with a
get the lengths of the atom lists, and then finally get the maximum sentence
length (the result) from max_list/2
Part 2
You are given an array of integers. Write a script to return left right sum difference array.
difference(X, Y, Z):-
Z is abs(X - Y).
differences(_, 0, LeftAccum, RightAccum, LeftRightDifferences):-
maplist(difference, LeftAccum, RightAccum, LeftRightDifferences).
differences(Numbers, Index, LeftAccum, RightAccum, LeftRightDifferences):-
length(Numbers, L),
Left is Index - 1,
Right is L - Index,
length(Prefix, Left),
length(Suffix, Right),
prefix(Prefix, Numbers),
suffix(Suffix, Numbers),
sum_list(Prefix, LeftSum),
sum_list(Suffix, RightSum),
succ(IndexNext, Index),
differences(Numbers, IndexNext, [LeftSum|LeftAccum], [RightSum|RightAccum], LeftRightDifferences).
left_right_differences(Numbers, LeftRightDifferences):-
length(Numbers, L),
differences(Numbers, L, [], [], LeftRightDifferences).
Sample Run
$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-2.p
| ?- left_right_differences([10, 4, 8, 3], LeftRightDifferences).
LeftRightDifferences = [15,1,11,22] ?
| ?- left_right_differences([1], LeftRightDifferences).
LeftRightDifferences = [0] ?
| ?- left_right_differences([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], LeftRightDifferences).
LeftRightDifferences = [14,11,6,1,10] ?
(1 ms) yes
| ?-
The problem statement may be a little confusing at first. What we are trying to do here is to get two lists the prefix sums and suffix sums, also called the left and right sums. We then pairwise take the absolute values of each element in these lists to get the final result. Recursively iterating over the list the prefix sums are the partial sums of the list elements to the left of the current element. The suffix sums are the partial sums of the list elements to the right of the current element.
Once the problem is understood the components of the solution start to come together:
- Iterate over the original list and build up the partial sums.
, andsum_list/2
are very helpful here! - When we are done building the lists of partial sums take the pairwise differences. This
could also be done iteratively, but more elegantly we can make use of
. - Our use of
uses the small utility predicatedifference/3
posted at: 16:52 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry