

The Weekly Challenge 231 (Prolog Solutions)

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array of distinct integers. Write a script to find all elements that is neither minimum nor maximum. Return -1 if you can’t.


not_min_max(Numbers, NotMinMax):-
    min_list(Numbers, Minimum),
    max_list(Numbers, Maximum),
    delete(Numbers, Minimum, NumbersNoMinimum),
    delete(NumbersNoMinimum, Maximum, NumbersNoMinimumNoMaximum),
    ((length(NumbersNoMinimumNoMaximum, 0), NotMinMax = -1), !;
     (NotMinMax = NumbersNoMinimumNoMaximum)).

Sample Run

$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-1.p
| ?- not_min_max([3, 2], NotMinMax).  

NotMinMax = -1

| ?- not_min_max([3, 2, 1, 4], NotMinMax). 

NotMinMax = [3,2]

| ?- not_min_max([1, 3, 2], NotMinMax).

NotMinMax = [2]



This is about as straightforward a solution as you can get in Prolog. All the details can be handled by built in predicates. That is, finding the minimum and maximum values, removing those values from consideration are all done for us. The only complication comes fromt he stipulation that we should return -1 instead of the empty list. This isn't a very Prolog thing to do! These problems are not written with Prolog in mind, however, and we make it work easily enough anyway.

Part 2

You are given a list of passenger details in the form “9999999999A1122”, where 9 denotes the phone number, A the sex, 1 the age and 2 the seat number. Write a script to return the count of all senior citizens (age >= 60).


passenger_senior(Passenger, Senior):-
    length(AgeSeat, 4),
    length(Age, 2),
    atom_chars(Passenger, PassengerChars),
    suffix(AgeSeat, PassengerChars),
    prefix(Age, AgeSeat),
    number_chars(A, Age),
    ((A >= 60, Senior = 1); Senior = 0).

count_senior_citizens(Passengers, CountSeniorCitizens):-
    maplist(passenger_senior, Passengers, SeniorCitizens), !,
    sum_list(SeniorCitizens, CountSeniorCitizens).

Sample Run

$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-2.p
| ?- count_senior_citizens(['7868190130M7522', '5303914400F9211', '9273338290F4010'], Count).

Count = 2

(1 ms) yes
| ?- count_senior_citizens(['1313579440F2036', '2921522980M5644'], Count).   

Count = 0

| ?-


Since the passenger details are given in strings with fixed width fields we can chop up and find what we need using lists. Since the information we seek (the age) is at the end of the passenger details we can work from the suffix. First we get the details as characters, then we get the final four characters. Of these final four the first two are the age.

This is all done by way of maplist/3. Only those passengers that meet the age criteria are given a value of one, the rest zero. The final count is taken via sum_list/2.


Challenge 231

posted at: 20:38 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry